Sunday, September 22, 2013

Darioush 2008

Darioush 2008
Cabernet Sauvignon $85.99
14.8% Alcohol
Napa, CA
Lauren 3.5 stars
Judy - 3.5 stars
Charles - 3.5 stars
John Dillon - 4 stars

Moderate contrast, dark color (orangish red), lightly stained legs. Thick high alcohol.  Good clarity

Not very fruity. Dry fruits, leather, earth, rainy day, dirt

Tastes like it smells, low complixity.  Slightly dry.  Very long finish.

Wine opened up a lot after 1 hr.  Should have completed the full tasting again after it opened up.  Completely different wine, and for the better.  Would drink again, but would allow it to breathe before tasting.

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